
Could Somalia use its economic might to bring down the EU?

Today? No. In 20-100 years, assuming Somalia reaches a level of political stability such that it…

Could Somalia use its economic might to bring down the EU?

Today? No. In 20-100 years, assuming Somalia reaches a level of political stability such that it…


Habeenka aqalgalku waa habeennada nolosha qoys kan ugu horreeya, galmada dhacda habeenkaasi bayna gabadhu isugu bedeshaa…

Baabka Saddexaad: Galmada

GOGOLXAAR GUUD Dad badan baa aaminsan in sida ay ragga iyo dumarkoodu isugu galmoodaan oo laga…

24 CV oo Bilaashka ah / Dagso maanta oo Badalo

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